...wasting bandwidth since 2001... Wow, that's over ten years!
Renaissance Banner Network
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Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some of the questions we have been asked more than once, or questions that we expect to be asked more than once. Thank you for reading this first before writing.

  1. Who runs this?
  2. Why do you run it?
  3. How can this be free?
  4. What size can my banner be?
  5. Can I use an animated GIF?
  6. Can I use transparency?
  7. Some banners are not loading. What's wrong?
  8. Clicking on a banner does not bring up the right site. Why?

1. Who runs this?

The Renaissance Banner Network is operated by the guy who runs AtTheFaire.com, Allen. The original "Renaissance Banner Exchange" was hosted over on AtTheFaire.com before moving to this domain, and it has been in existence since 2001.

2. Why do you run it?

Originally it just seemed like a cool idea, inspired by the Disney Banner Network which Allen is wasa member of through his other site, DisneyFans.com. By running the exchange, we also get a chance to advertise our own site and get new visitors.

3. How can this be free?

It really isn't free. It cost us to operate it. Hopefully there will be enough accounts interested in sponsoring this service so we can keep expanding. Until then, it's just a labor of love and another way to burn money :-)

4. What size can my banner be?

468x60 is the banner size. Nothing larger, nothing smaller.

5. Can I use an animated GIF?

Yes, you may as long as the total file size is 20K or less. Remember, though: some people find animation annoying. Try to keep your banner from being annoying. Fast blinking neon colors are probably not going to fit in on most renaissance sites.

6. Can I use transparency?

No. Actually, there is no reason why you can't, but you shouldn't. Since the backgrounds of member sites may vary, a transparent banner might be unreadable on some of them. Black text with a transparency looks fine on a white background, but very bad on a black background. Be safe and don't use transparency.

7. Some banners are not loading. What's wrong?

Please report any banners that do not load. This usually means the account holder has made an edit but did not re-upload a working banner.

8. Clicking on a banner does not bring up the right site. Why?

You are probably using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Browsers try to be 'smart' and not load things if they think the content has not changed. You have to have your browser set to not to this. Without using IE-only code, there is nothing we can do about it (though the system DOES now use some IE specific code in addition to standard code).

More to come...

A free service of AtTheFaire.com - The "dot com" for rennies.
webmaster@renbanner.net © 2001-2011 AtTheFaire.com
Renaissance Banner Network is a free service provided by AtTheFaire.com. As such, you get what you pay for. The service may go offline at any time, be unavailable for any reason, or screw up and require you to redo all your account settings. Though it hasn't ever done that ... yet! Participate at your own risk!